Brett Back In School

I have now finished my time overseas and have been home for almost two years now. I've decided to go to Palmer Chiropractic College as a means to create a career for myself. I miss the traveling, but the hope is that I'll be able to afford to travel all I want in my nearish future.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Hello from the Dark Continent

Hey everyone-
Several things have happened since I touched down in South Africa. We came to Lusaka, Zambia and camped at a campground just outside of town. It was pretty cool because the campground had zebras, impalas, and giraffes just roaming around. It was strange getting woken up in the middle of the night having a zebra grazing 10 feet from my tent.
After a couple days there, we were split up into groups of 6 and sent out into the bush. I went to Northwestern Province and stayed with a guy named Greg who is a current PCV (Peace Corps Volunteer). We followed him around for 4 days and saw some of the fishpond sites he's in charge of and just some of the scenery. I think this is the perfect job for me b/c the typical day is from 7 am until noon or 1 pm. We went swimming in some waterfalls for a couple afternoons and just played around I guess you could say.
Now I'm sitting in an internet cafe in Kitwe, Zambia which is just outside of the town I'll be training in for the next 9 weeks, Mwekera. Speaking of training, I'll be learning the language of Bemba which is spoken in the following provinces; Central, Copperbelt, Northern, and Luapula. I'm pulling for Northern province where I'll be stationed b/c they have beautiful lakes and lots of green stuff up there.
I'll write more later sometime soon but this is all for now. Also, I guess internet access will be very limited after I get posted in late November so I'll have to rely on snail mail. If you want me to send you any postcards or letters make sure you email me you address in the next few weeks. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. I'm thinking of you all often.

Pearson, out.


  • At 1:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    thoughts and prayers? gay.


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