Brett Back In School

I have now finished my time overseas and have been home for almost two years now. I've decided to go to Palmer Chiropractic College as a means to create a career for myself. I miss the traveling, but the hope is that I'll be able to afford to travel all I want in my nearish future.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

One more fun story.

So here in Zambia, male friends hold hands often. It's a very normal thing. Homosexuality is illegal here so they don't see anything wrong with it. So when I first met my homestay dad, we shook hands, and that lasted for the next 15 minutes. We held hands the whole walk home. I just kept laughing to myself because it felt so weird. Anyways, I hope that made a couple of you laugh.

Pearson, out.


  • At 4:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    As I have long suspected, you are gay. I will start petitioning the US Embassy for your release from prison. Don't worry I have seen Midnight Express. Boston

  • At 1:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Brett: as one of those pesky homosexuals, I can assure you that no gay men I know would hold hands for anything close to 15 minutes. In my world, we refer to these men as lesbians. I hope you're having a great time! Don ;)

  • At 5:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Nice to read your stuff; humourous and sarcastic !!!

    I think holding hands seems alright in most cultures (among men that is). Its the stereotype that has led to the different way of looking at it. :)


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