A Safe Return
I just touched down in Lusaka, Zambia about an hour and a half ago. The trip went well despite the fact that I spent the last two nights on planes. My route was Des Moines to Minneapolis, MN to Amsterdam (overnight), Amsterdam to Nairobi, Kenya (overnight), and finally Kenya to Zambia this morning.
I had an 11 hour layover in Amsterdam and decided to go hang out in the town. I spent 6 or so hours having some beers and coffees and just wandering around aimlessly for the most part. It made the time go by very quickly. The red light district really cracks me up because you have all of these prostitutes just standing behind windows waiting for some patron to come by, enticing men with their sultry eyes and pouty lips. But as you walk through the alleyways I saw a couple situations like this; whore, whore, whore, laundromat; or whore, whore, whore, tailor shop. So waiting for your clothes to dry or your pants to get hemmed really isn't so annoying anymore.
Again, I'd like to thank everyone for making my trip back home so enjoyable. Sorry to those of you who I didn't get to spend any time with. I am very sorry. Time went by very quickly. Take care everyone and I'll see you in early 2008 more than likely.
I had an 11 hour layover in Amsterdam and decided to go hang out in the town. I spent 6 or so hours having some beers and coffees and just wandering around aimlessly for the most part. It made the time go by very quickly. The red light district really cracks me up because you have all of these prostitutes just standing behind windows waiting for some patron to come by, enticing men with their sultry eyes and pouty lips. But as you walk through the alleyways I saw a couple situations like this; whore, whore, whore, laundromat; or whore, whore, whore, tailor shop. So waiting for your clothes to dry or your pants to get hemmed really isn't so annoying anymore.
Again, I'd like to thank everyone for making my trip back home so enjoyable. Sorry to those of you who I didn't get to spend any time with. I am very sorry. Time went by very quickly. Take care everyone and I'll see you in early 2008 more than likely.
At 10:51 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey there buddy,
I'm happy to hear that you've returned well...I'll miss your calls. Keep in touch when you can and hey, maybe I'll see you next summer for another B.C. tournament. Stay well,
At 1:33 PM ,
asdf said...
Brett, I just started reading your blog recently and think it's interesting. This is Allison, Wyatt's little sister. Keep writing, cause I'm going to keep reading! It's nice to see the pictures of what it's like over there so I can imagine the way it would have been for Wyatt.
At 10:31 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey Brett. This is Nora, I chatted with you for a little bit at the CYC beach party. This may sound strange, but do the people (mainly kids) in the area where you live need shoes? I felt the need to send you shoes earlier this summer when I found out you were in Africa, but I also heard that you would be in the US, so probably wouldn't be there to get them. I didn't get a chance to ask you at CYC.
I read an article in the New York Times today ("Africa Adds to Miserable Ranks of Child Workers -- Aug 24, 2006) that renewed my inspiration to send shoes to children there. I could send them to Jesus Cares Ministries in Lusaka, Zambia, for distribution if you don't have much of a need for them where you are, but I wanted to check. You can email me at ntobin@iastate.edu or comment on my blog, ntobin.blogspot.com if that's easier.
Hope everything is going well in Zambia and congratulations on getting the grant!
Nora Tobin
At 7:53 AM ,
Anonymous said...
You should tell more about the facts in Mporokoso. How many refugees are still in Mwange? Is the hospital still so badly equiped? Is there still game in Nsumba? Is there any reliable transport to Kasama? Is there fertiliser and seeds?
write: Dr.F.Groeger@online.de
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