Three Wild and Crazy Weeks
My vacation with my parents is now coming to an end. We've traveled to the far reaches of this great and sizable nation and tomorrow they fly out. They arrived here on the 3rd, so we've had a lot of time together. It's been odd spending more time with my parents than I have in my entire life. Even as a kid, I would go to school and all that and get alone time, but this has been a vacation with no breaks from each other. Don't get me wrong, it's been fantastic having them here, but all good things must come to an end I suppose. Allow me to recount some of our various adventures for you.
At 4:15 PM ,
fleshhead sweden said...
Hi ,
You don´t know me but I just wanted to let you know I´ve been reading your blog for about a year now. I was in Zambia this winter and when I decided to go last year I was googling Zambia and found your blog.
I lived in Zambia for 2 years as a teen-ager (my dad was working for SIDA, the Swedish aid organization) and I love the place. This trip was my second time back since we left after my dads posting so I´ve seen some shifting times in the country (Kaunda, beginning of MMD and now). I have also met quite a few people travelling through the place and that´s why I enjoy your blog so much. You seem to have relly gotten into the flow of the place, adjusting to the life style and you NEVER complain about shit that happens and I love that. Everyone I ever meet from the "west" down there spend so much time being chocked and annoyed about stuff and it´s so boring to listen to their stories but yours are fun and show your effort to take responsibility for your own experience. I´m sure you get pissed off as well and bored sometimes but I think when you get back home you´ll remember your time in Zambia as a great time instead of a time of hardship. Wow, I sound like the worst hippie ever. I´m not, in fact when I lived in Zambia I´m pretty sure I was the only hard-rocker south of the Sahara...
A lot of the stuff you´ve done and been through I´ve done too but I´m sorry to say I never had the chance to spend much time on the country side. I´ve been of course, visiting Zambian friends in their villages, but only for a couple of days at a time. I think next time I´ll try and get out a bit more and I´m wondering if it´s ok if I save your email and write back for some tips when it´s time (probably this winter). This last trip I did was actually a bit, well not boring, but a little too safe and "clean". I was travelling with another girl who´s not so used to life outside Sweden so I was a bit limited in what to do and where to go. I´ve always travelled alone before and am used to going where ever whatever takes me.
And here´s a tip for you, if you go travelling after you finnish your time in Zambia, go to Mozambique! I have been all over eastern and southern Africa but I have never been to a place that has it all like Mozambique. It´s real easy to get there from South Africa, bus from joburg to Maputo (coolest city on earth)takes about 6 hours and then another couple hours by local transport to get to the most fantastic places along the coast or where ever.
If you wanna go there and need specific tips on places to stay and go and people to meet or something just let me know.
Ok, sorry for this intrusion and that the mail got so long... Really just wanted to let you know I have appreciated reading about your adventures in Africa and that I´m a bit sad that you´re leaving and there won´t be any new stories.
Enjoy what time you have left in Zambia and have more great adventures where ever you´re going next.
Stina/ Malmö, Sweden
At 8:59 PM ,
Unknown said...
Hey Brett! I'm not sure you will remember me but my name is Casey. We met at CYC which feels like forever ago, but I guess was maybe 7 years ago. I don't know how I came across your blog but I saw your name and thought that I had heard somewhere along the line that you had joined the Peace Corps. Maybe you had told my younger brother Nathaniel one summer at camp. Anyways, I figured I can't not say hi after randomly stumbling across this.
It sounds like you are having an amazing experience! I glanced at some of your pictures and Zambia looks amazing. It's great that you committed this period of your life to people in another country. What an experience. I unfortunately have been stuck in the midwest (except for this summer) and I am returning to UNI in the fall for a final year and then considering my options (one being the peace corps) and am looking forward to completing school and moving into the next stage of my life.
Good Luck with your travels home and if you plan on being in Iowa for any amount of time let me know. It would be great to catch up and hear about your past 2 years and what you are planning for next. If you have a chance drop me an email at
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