Brett Back In School

I have now finished my time overseas and have been home for almost two years now. I've decided to go to Palmer Chiropractic College as a means to create a career for myself. I miss the traveling, but the hope is that I'll be able to afford to travel all I want in my nearish future.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

In The Royal Kingdom of Swaziland

As I type this, I'm sitting in Mbabane, Swaziland, the capital. I arrived yesterday with my three new friends, Chris, Jenny, and Keira. Unfortunately today, Jenny and Keira needed to proceed on to Johannesburg, so Chris and I have spent the day trying to fix his vehicle because he had a drive member on the back half shaft get worn down. Many of you are thinking, 'But Brett, you know nothing about fixing cars so why are you trying to use this technical jargon?' Right you are friends, but I've learned a whole lot in the last day whilst trying to help him fix his Land Rover.

Mbabane is a beautiful city surrounded by mountains at an altitude of about 3000 feet. It's weird because the last month I've been living at sea level on beaches, then just yesterday we left Mozambique and made the several hour drive here to Swaziland. Thus far, these are the most friendly people (the Swazis) I've met in all of my travels in Africa. Every single person I've talked with has been very kind and helpful. Tomorrow we'll get the parts we ordered from Durban, and in the afternoon go cliff jumping in the Ezwalu Valley about 30 km from here. I reckon I'll spend a two more days here before starting the trip to Lesotho.

As usual, I'll update whenever I get the opportunities. Take care and keep in touch.


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