Brett Back In School

I have now finished my time overseas and have been home for almost two years now. I've decided to go to Palmer Chiropractic College as a means to create a career for myself. I miss the traveling, but the hope is that I'll be able to afford to travel all I want in my nearish future.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Maseru, Lesotho

Nothing too exciting has happened since yesterday. I was traveling from 10am till midnight when I finally reached Lesotho. I was really excited to sleep in today except for the fact that the ladies who ran the guest house (I was staying at the Anglican Church) woke me up at 6:15 to write my name in a book, 7:30 to see if I was still in the room, and again at 8:30 for the same reason. It was the closest I've been to losing my temper in a long time.
Oh well though, I finally got up and am now getting a few groceries before heading out to Semonkong to start my pony trekking adventure. It's actually pretty chilly here, but I'm looking forward to getting into the mountains where it will be undoubtedly colder. Luckily I've brought my stocking cap.

PS, the Cubs suck.


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